City of Drain Comprehensive Plan

The City of Drain's first Comprehensive Plan under Oregon's Statewide Planning Program was developed in 1978 with the assistance of the Umpqua Regional Council of Governments. The Comprehensive Plan was revised in 1989 following the City's first Periodic Review. The City of Drain completed its second Periodic Review in 1997. This newly-revised Comprehensive Plan document was developed by the City of Drain and the Umpqua Regional Council of Governments during the 1997 Periodic Review.

The City of Drain's 1997 Comprehensive Plan contains numerous upgrades in substance and form. The City's 1994 evaluation of its Comprehensive Plan identified the following areas of deficiency. Each is addressed in this Comprehensive Plan, in supporting documents, or in implementing ordinances.

1994 Periodic Review Evaluation Results

Citizen review of the existing Comprehensive Plan and development ordinances yielded the following needs:

  • Revise the Urban Growth Management Agreement
  • Revise the Development Ordinance and Standards
  • Revise the Comprehensive Plan
  • Update the Comprehensive Plan with New Information
  • Develop and Adopt Cooperative Agreements with Special Districts
  • Coordinate with State Agencies to Address New Requirements

The 1997 Comprehensive Plan contains new information relative to the tasks outlined above. The Plan incorporates changes to basic factual data, such as population, employment, housing, public facilities, and land use. It includes new information related to various State agency requirements, and it ensures proper coordination with any agencies or special districts affected by Drain's Comprehensive Plan. Wherever necessary, the Plan revisits the City's original goals and policies to ensure that they have kept pace with the community's changing needs and aspirations.

In addition to the substantive changes, the format of the Comprehensive Plan has been revised. The 1997 Comprehensive Plan is organized by chapters which correspond to the 14 non-coastalĀ· Oregon Statewide Planning Goals. This new format has advantages over the old format. It provides a clear connection between Oregon's Statewide Planning Program and Drain's Comprehensive Plan. It clarifies the relationship between Oregon's Statewide Planning Goals and the City of Drain's goals and policies. The new format is easier for citizens, government agencies, developers, and investors to understand because it follows a standard sequence used by Douglas County and many other jurisdictions. Finally, by describing the corresponding Statewide Planning Goal - and its associated local planning requirements - at the beginning of each chapter, the 1997 Comprehensive Plan allows readers to understand and appreciate the regional context of local policies.